Your New Favorite Musician Honors His Favorite Musicians [FULL DOWNLOAD] @eagleobabel @outsidersox

Your New Favorite Musician Honors His Favorite Musicians

Your New Favorite Musician Honors His Favorite Musicians

To call EagleBabel a rapper would be categorically inaccurate. The man wears many hats: producer, pianist, arranger, Frank-Ocean-esque singer. All of these different talents collide to bring together a complete package of musical genius that is rare to find all at once. The Chicago native is part of a musical outfit called The Outsiders. Formed at Stanford University, this is a talented collective of individuals who love making music, but also realize the social influence music has. Opting to speak truth to power with their talents, their music is something akin to a hip-hop themed resistance soundtrack.

On Odes, EagleBabel’s solo EP, the musician takes seven individuals/places that have influenced him and crafts a song to demonstrate the powerful love and affection he has for each of them. Tracks such as the stellar opener (featuring fellow Outsider, faruhdey) “Herbie Smokin Zen” honors the legendary Herbie Hancock, whereas other musicians who get love are Kanye West, Missy Elliot, Luke James, Dom Kennedy, and Marvin Gaye.

Listen to and download the full EP below!

[bandcamp width=350 height=687 album=2761537840 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]

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